Documentation for the Orbit Lights Unreal Plugin
Orbit Lights is an editor utility widget that lets you pick a target object and place lights around it. Quickly adjust every light’s position, intensity, color, etc., in one central place - no property hunt in the details panel is needed. This is especially useful for (portfolio) renderings because you can look through the render camera and adjust every light via the widget!
Light setups can also be stored as presets and used for different objects (to use the presets across various Unreal projects, manually duplicate the preset file and move it to the other project).
Install the plugin from the marketplace and open the Unreal editor.
Double check that the ‘Blueprint File Utilites’ plugin is enabled!
The ‘Orbit Lights’ content folder should now be visible in the content browser:
Navigate to the ‘UI_OrbitLights’ widget in the ‘OrbitLights’ folder. Right click the widget and choose ‘Run Editor Utility Widget’.
In the viewport, select the actor around the lights should be placed. Click on the ‘Initialize’ button to set this actor as a target for the lights. The first light will be automatically created for you:
Once you find a pleasing light setup, you can store the arrangement as a preset and use that for other actors. The preset files are stored inside the ‘Presets’ folder in the plugin folder. Keep in mind that you can’t see them in the content browser!
To save a new preset, change the preset name in the according text field and click on ‘Save Preset’:
To load a preset, simply select the UI entry and click on ‘Load Preset’: